Special offers for travelers: Thanks to our cooperation with travel agencies, we can provide attractive discounts and promotions for their customers. This is a great opportunity for travelers to enjoy our unique dishes and save on costs at the same time.
Availability for groups: We are prepared to accommodate larger groups of travelers. Whether you're organizing a school trip, corporate trip or family reunion, our restaurant has a spacious venue to accommodate all guests.
Multicultural experience: Our menu reflects European culinary diversity, offering flavors from different regions and cultures.
We would like to cooperate with travel agencies as well as guides of organized groups. With advance booking, we can accommodate larger tourist groups of up to 120 people.
We offer breakfast and dinner sets, lunch boxes, hot and cold drinks and alcohol. Everything is adapted to the needs of the group.
For organized groups we have prepared a special offer with sets. However, we are open to any comments and requirements of groups, as we can prepare a special offer upon request.
We will organize both a quick one-course dinner for groups with less time, as well as an elegant, elaborate dinner consisting of a starter, first and second course, with coffee or wine and dessert. Customer satisfaction is very important to us.
In order to cooperate with us, please feel free to contact us by email or telephone.